Snapshots Archives

The Britannia Search & Rescue Guild members have a grand old time. Here’s our “family photo album.” If you have a screenshot of a member in a significant or humorous situation, just submit the image via e-mail to Nobody at Make sure you include a brief description of the event and the participants, as well as the date the event took place.

Here are some of the older screen shots from the start of our guild up to 24 October, 1997. Note: These shots were before the guild switched it’s name to Britannia Search & Rescue.


O’lorae, Severian, and Nobody joined by non-guild member Havok on a conga line in Cove on the Baja shard
24 October 1997—Baja

O’lorae, Severian, and Nobody show off their new masks near the orc village, south of Cove, on the Baja Shard
24 October 1997—Baja

O’lorae, Nobody, and Blitz on “the Point” on the Baja Shard
October 1997—Baja

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GirlFace relaxing on the beach on the Great Lakes Shard
October 1997—Great Lakes

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Go to the top of the page This BS&R page was last updated on Wednesday, 29 July, 1999