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Results tagged “livestream” search.
Sneak Scene
January 25, 2024
Although Shroud of the Avatar doesn't have true "sneak" mechanics (as of this writing, non-player characters (NPCs) have full 360 awareness and will always see a player character when within range), Keith used the conversation system within Sneak Scene... (Read more)
Tags: Catnip Games, livestream, multiplayer, Portalarium, puzzle, quest design, single-player, worldbuilding
Ulfheim Reimagined
September 26, 2019
Keith recreated a scene named Ulfheim intended for veteran players in Shroud of the Avatar that included recreating the scene from the ground-up, including terrain editing and other world building, enemy spawning, resource spawning, creating three wave battles, and... (Read more)
Tags: Catnip Games, livestream, multiplayer, Portalarium, puzzle, quest design, single-player, wave battle, worldbuilding
Dragon Wave Battle
April 25, 2019
Just before a new release went live, a simple fight with a dragon (high-threat/good reward) was identified as a possible exploit situation. The dragon was always available when the players entered the area and he normally took 8 minute... (Read more)
Tags: boss fight, Catnip Games, livestream, multiplayer, Portalarium, quest design, single-player, wave battle, worldbuilding
Krampus, Seasonal Boss Fight
December 13, 2018
Krampus is one of several seasonal boss monsters that players can encounter in Shroud of the Avatar. Each seasonal boss monster is available for two months and then goes dormant, although their bases of operations remain populated by their... (Read more)
Tags: boss fight, Catnip Games, livestream, multiplayer, Portalarium, quest design, single-player, wave battle, worldbuilding
New Genesis Now
May 18, 2015
Keith created the majority of the "Return to the Nexus" 8-player operation for the "Halls of Power Part II" DLC. Gameplay for this operation was spread across three separate locations: the Necropolis of New Genesis, the new Forests of... (Read more)
Tags: boss fight, Daybreak Games, Halls of Power Part II, livestream, multiplayer, quest design, single-player, SOE, wave battle, worldbuilding
Return to the Nexus
February 3, 2015
Keith created the "Return to the Nexus" 4-player operation for the "Amazon Fury Part II" DLC. This operation focused on this DLC's Amazon theme, but it provided Keith with an extra levels of challenge in that it was also... (Read more)
Tags: Amazon Fury Part II, boss fight, Daybreak Games, livestream, multiplayer, quest design, SOE, wave battle
Love and War
November 11, 2014
Keith created the "Love and War" 8-player operation for DC Universe Online, considered to be the hardest part of the "War of the Light Part II" content. Gameplay was spread over three separate locations, ending in the new Zamaron... (Read more)
Tags: boss fight, Daybreak Games, livestream, multiplayer, quest design, SOE, War of the Light Part II, wave battle, worldbuilding
Gotham Under Siege
April 30, 2014
Keith created the single-player content in the "Gotham Under Siege" area for DC Universe Online, part of the "Amazon Fury Part I" DLC. Players who purchase this DLC and have Combat Rating 100 can play this content. Entry Highlights... (Read more)
Tags: Amazon Fury Part I, ancillary design, Daybreak Games, livestream, quest design, single-player, SOE
Mist Recovery
January 22, 2014
Keith created the "Mist Recovery" 8-player operation for DC Universe Online, part of the "War of the Light Part I" content. Gameplay was spread over three separate locations, ending in the new Mogo map for Heroes or Ranx map... (Read more)
Tags: ancillary design, boss fight, Daybreak Games, livestream, multiplayer, quest design, single-player, SOE, War of the Light Part I, wave battle, worldbuilding
Wrath in the Gotham Wastelands
August 29, 2013
Keith created the single-player content set in "Wrath" section of the new Gotham Wastelands area for DC Universe Online, part of the "Sons of Trigon" DLC. Players who purchase this DLC and have Combat Rating 84 can play this... (Read more)
Tags: ancillary design, boss fight, Daybreak Games, livestream, multiplayer, quest design, single-player, SOE, Sons of Trigon, worldbuilding
July 15, 2007
If you're looking to hire Keith Quinn as a game designer, feel free to contact him through his page at LinkedIn. If you'd like to follow Keith on social media, below are some links you might find useful. Keith... (Read more)
Tags: appearance, livestream