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Results tagged “Playtime Projects” search.
Comic Book Credits
August 19, 2015
Blank Label Comics Webcomic Hurricane Relief Telethon Book (September 2005, illustrator of "The Mentalist's New Clothes" on page 52) Brainstorm Comics Death Shrike #1, Sins of the Father (July 1993; inker) Double Edge Publishing Dupres (May 1994; inker, letterer)... (Read more)
Tags: Blank Label Comics, Brainstorm Comics, Double Edge Publishing, Friendly Comics, Heroes Incorporated, Hurm Studio, Kamase Publications, Local Heroes, Personality Comics, Playtime Projects, Spoof Comics
Playtime Projects online comic
September 16, 2007
Playtime Projects is an online comic by Keith Quinn, about a children's show, its cast, and their shenanigans. It's childish fun in the heart of the Imagine Nation. No, that's a lie. It's mostly about a bunch of foul-mouthed... (Read more)
Tags: comic artist, comic colorist, comic letterer, comic production, comic writer, Hurm Studio, Playtime Projects