Operations Center Structure

The current Britannia Search & Rescue Operations Center is a “Large Smithy” on Ultima Online’s Baja Shard. Known as the BS&R OC-T, or more casually as “the BS&R Smithy,” it was placed on Wednesday, January 14, 1998. Construction of the new Smithy was handled by Milton, O’lorae, and Nobody. Milton, especially, contributed expertly toward the choice of location.

The BS&R OC-Trinsic is located in the swamps north of Trinsic. Exit Trinsic’s Western Gate and travel north to the coast. Follow the coast to the swamps where you’ll go north again, following the swamp’s western edge. Just after you pass the graveyard you’ll come to our Large Smithy.

Our Map Room is now available as a treasure hunter’s “rune library.” The BS&R Map Room has an extensive amount of runes to bring treasure hunting parties virtually directly to all known treasure chest locations. Read more about our Map Room here.

The BS&R Smithy was able to be placed thanks to the incredible and unforgettable contributions of many BS&R guildmembers. Notably donators are Blitz, Big Bub, Chauncey, Fiatofa, Master of Puppets, Milton, Mr. Christian, Nobody, O’lorae, PapaMan,
and, above all, BlackWidow. It was BlackWidow who also spearheaded the purchase of the original BS&R OC in Yew, and developed the idea of using out BS&R OC-T as a treasure hunter’s rune library.

Future Material donations to the Operations Center shall be dealt with in one of the following manners:

All BS&R members shall receive pre-marked Runestones to the BS&R OC-T upon request. Those past the Probationary period shall also be Friended to the building, as will long-standing close-associates.

The Britannia Search & Rescue Operations Center-Trinsic on the Baja Shard
UO(980114-174655-38).jpg (64303 bytes)

Deputy Guildmaster O’lorae (on the left) and Guildmaster Nobody enjoy a restful moment.
14 January 1998—Baja

Go to the top of the page This BS&R page was last updated on Wednesday, 29 July, 1999